Automated Unit and Integration Testing Tool for C/C++
Cantata is an automated unit and integration testing tool for C and C++ languages, enabling developers to verify standard compliant or business critical code on host native and embedded target platforms.
Cantata helps accelerate compliance with the standard’s dynamic testing requirements by automating:
Cantata is integrated with an extensive set of embedded development toolchains, from compilers and static analysis tools to build and requirements management tools. The ECLIPSE® GUI, tight tool integrations and tests written in the source C/C++ code, all make Cantata easy to use.
Hover over the options to learn more.
Works with your environment
Works with your environment
Cantata is integrated with an extensive set of embedded development toolchains, and provides unrestricted deployment to and for use on targets.
Integrated test framework
Integrated test framework
A powerful integrated test framework automates: C/C++ test script production, test executable building, running on target and detailed diagnostics on host, for unit and integration testing.
Source Code Metrics
Source Code Metrics
Cantata provides over 300 source code metrics on C/C++ which provides useful objective measurement and visualisation of non-functional qualities of the source code.
Deep code coverage analysis
Simple to use for the highest regulatory standards, and fully integrated into tests, the deep analysis easily pin-points gaps in code coverage.
Automatic generation of test case vectors can exercise 100% code coverage while checking data, parameters and call order, creating regression unit tests or closing gaps in code coverage.
Why invest in Cantata?
Why invest in Cantata? Industry leaders use Cantata to:
- Cut cost of standards compliance
- Reduce commercial risks of software failure
- Lower testing costs
- Shorten time to market
Requirements traceability
Requirements traceability
Bi-directional traceability from ReqIF, Excel®, Polarion®, DOORs®, PTC Integrity® or CodeBeamer® to Cantata tests with results status and code coverage information.
Unique call control – Wrapping
Unique call control – Wrapping
Unique Cantata Wrapping automatically intercepts calls from and within the software under test to supplement stub simulations.
Flexible testing techniques
Flexible testing techniques
Cantata makes it easy to combine techniques for embedded unit and integration testing:
- requirements driven, robustness and structural testing
- black-box/white-box
- procedural/object oriented
- isolation/integration

AutoTest generated cases
Generate automatically passing Cantata unit tests to exercise all the C and C++ code.

It works with your own environment
A tight integration with cross-compilation environments and intuitive C/C++ code tests in Eclipse GUI or code editors, make it easy to slot into any toolchain, and fast for developers to learn.

Lower your testing costs
Cut time and effort with highly automated safety standards compliant testing.

Certified unit & integration testing tool
Certified by SGS-TÜV SAAR GmbH for use at the highest integrity levels for safety-related standards. Certification kits are free of charge.

Reduce the risk of software failure
Unit testing is the most thorough way to test application code and prevent bugs.

Achieve 100% Code Coverage
Code analysis is made simpler by customisable coverage Rule Sets, which automate all the code instrumentation, data reporting and required coverage checking, for all the main software safety standards.
QA Systems static analysis and software testing tools support verification in the linear flow of software development below. We recommend applying sequential approach to these verification stages with tools that are designed and targeted for each purpose.

- COMPLY > Use QA-MISRA for fast coding standard compliance at the developer’s desktop first.
- TEST > Use Cantata for automated dynamic execution of the standard compliant software.
- ANALYZE > Use Astrée for proving absence of run-time errors on whole application.
NB: Astrée uses the same configuration as QA-MISRA, so the effort to apply it later to a QA-MISRA project later is low.
Special shared license bundle option
QA-MISRA and Cantata share the same license technology. This allows customers to obtain a bundled solution for both tools to share the same concurrent license pool, as well as the tools being integrated together in the Eclipse based IDE.
When QA-MISRA is purchased as a bundle with Cantata or when an existing Cantata license is converted to a bundle, there are very attractive combined prices available. Please contact us for more information.
International software safety standards require evidence of low level (unit and integration) testing to obtain certification for the device software.
In addition, most standards require that verification tools used are certified / qualified or proven through use. Cantata has been independently certified by SGS-TÜV SAAR GmbH for the main software safety standards. The current Cantata certificate can be viewed in the SGS-TÜV Certification Database by entering the certificate number.
Standard specific Cantata tool certification kits are provided free of charge and contain everything needed out-of-the-box as well as comprehensive guidance to help you achieve certification for your device software.
Tool qualification kits of Cantata are also available where tool certification against a standard is not permitted as the tool must be qualified separately for each project (e.g. for DO-178B/C).
Please contact us for more information about tool certification / qualification kits.
Cantata has been successfully used to comply with the unit and integration testing requirements of:
IEC 61508
Functional Safety of Electrical/ Electronic/ Programmable Electronic Safety-related Systems
Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification
Automotive – SPICE
ISO/IEC 15504 Information technology — Process assessment
Guidelines for Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Air Traffic Management (CNS/ATM) Systems Software Integrity Assurance.
Space Engineering: Software
Def Stan 00-55
UK Requirements for Safety Related Software in Defence Equipment
US Military-Standard-498 Software Development and Documentation.
NASA 8719.13C
NASA Technical Standard: Software Safety Standard
Automated Regression Testing
Automated regression testing with Cantata is supported through use of continuous integration tools such as Jenkins®.
Cantata Wrappers
Cantata Wrappers can intercept code calls. This quick demo introduces Wrappers and their use with an embedded target.
Stuck with RTRT?
The RTRT Converter automatically recycles legacy RTRT PTUs into Cantata, retaining all existing test functionality.